We’re excited to share our latest Hertzian report, focused on analysing the UK public's reaction to working from home during the pandemic. Through targeted data gathering of data within Twitter, Hertzian’s analysis engine has been able to identify key trends and insights across the UK’s reaction to the recent changes to the working experience.
With the end of the Stay at Home Order and the rapid rollout of the vaccine, we’ve spoken to business leaders around the country who are faced with new challenges as many decide what the “new normal” will look like for their teams. This report looks to provide a summary of the changing reaction to working from home (“WFH”) and the top concerns employees have had during the difficult period.
Taking a snippet from the report, below we’ve shared 3 insights from the report. If you’d like to read the report itself, go ahead and download it by clicking here.
We’ve seen a generally positive reaction to working from home with many people happy to remove their commute, gain a new balance in their work/life balance and save money but this sentiment is dropping over time across our data.
This is in part caused by the unexpected disruption to the “return to normal” timetable when a new lockdown is enforced however the initial positivity has lessened and a reduced positive reaction has been seen over time.
Many teams have had to change the way they communicate, with the introduction of video calls and services like Teams & Zoom now becoming part of the everyday vocabulary for many, one of the interesting findings from our report has been around the major downwards trend our reaction to remote communication has seen.
Growing frustrations around technical issues, our internet connections and the manner in which video calls are conducted has led to a sentiment score that is now at the very bottom of sentiment score range.
One thing that became obvious to many switching to home setups was the importance of our WFH equipment. Those ill-equipped took to social media to show their ironing board desks and makeshift setups however many companies responded to the likelihood of long term remote work by ensuring staff had the correct setups in place.
A year into the pandemic and the state of our WFH equipment remains a key factor, and with a new spike in discussion, it seems like now is the time to ensure all of your staff have adequate equipment if they are going to stay working from home.
To view the full report, please click here to download the report.
If you would like to learn more about our report, have any specific questions about anything included or would like to work with Hertzian to produce similar reports, please contact us today.